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Eclipse Day

Eclipse Day

Wake up. Coffee. Meditate. Feed cat, dog. Walk dog. Weather, hot humid. Rain, not yet. Sun streaming so bright reminds me I get headaches from too much light. Think about Lori, who flew from Manhattan to Nashville to view the eclipse from her perfect place along the...
Shopping High?

Shopping High?

With “Black Friday” around the corner kicking off the biggest shopping season of the year (retailers and economists hope) here is one for the “born to shop” in all of us! EXPERTS PROVE SHOPPING REALLY IS GOOD FOR YOU! Years ago when I was maybe 10, 12 tops, my mother...
Psyche Rises in Emilyland

Psyche Rises in Emilyland

“Those who don’t accept it and always seek an explanation for the magic and mysterious human relations will lose the best of what life has to offer.” This quote is from the fabulous writer and mystic Paulo Coehlo, from a recent blog where he interpreted the Cupid...

We Must Be Hatched!

Emilyland Quote for today – a commentary on change from C.S. Lewis: “It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for a bird to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely...